Harvard CS50: Full Computer Science Course
In this course you'll learn the basics of computer science from Harvard University. This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
Course created by CS50
Topics taught in this course:
- Scratch
- C
- Arrays
- Algorithms
- Memory
- Data Structures
- Python
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Flask
- Emoji
- Cybersecurity
Slides, source code, and more at https://cs50.harvard.edu/x
Lecture 0 Scratch
Lecture 1 - C
Lecture 2 - Arrays
Lecture 3 - Algorithms
Lecture 4 - Memory
Lecture 5 - Data Structures
Lecture 6 - Python
Lecture 7 - SQL
Lecture 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Lecture 9 - Flask
Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 10 - Ethics
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